About The Author

About the Author

Jessica K. Stidd

A native of the San Francisco Bay Area and a longtime resident of San Diego, California, the author has always held a deep love for writing, regardless of her life's path or career choices. Many of her enduring friendships have been built around writing, both as a writer and as an editor, helping others' work shine. From her childhood days, she has been crafting stories, continuously finding joy in escaping into novels that broaden her perspective. Travel has also played a significant role in her personal growth. Reflecting on her journeys—from Ireland and various parts of Europe to the magical landscapes of Cambodia in Southeast Asia and even across the United States, including family visits to Michigan—she cherishes how these experiences have shaped her. Recognizing that not everyone can explore every corner of the Earth, she values books as a magical way to travel and enrich one's life through imagination. Additionally, she is a great lover of music and finds inspiration in the talents of her musically gifted friends. She enjoys attending concerts of all kinds and serves as the editor for the online music and concert magazine Pow, where she combines her passion for writing with her love for music. Currently, she is back in the Bay Area, reconnecting with her roots. In her free time, she enjoys the companionship of a sweet Havana Rabbit named Mocha, whom she is fostering. Through her writing, travels, and musical experiences, she continues to explore and share the wonders of life, both real and imagined.